Local State & National Recognition

Awards presented to Cencom employees on behalf of The Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials (APCO)

2024 Awards

Randy Dasho
Drew Tetrick
Emily Garner
Randy Dasho
Drew Tetrick
Emily Garner

APCO Washington –
Supervisor of the Year

APCO International &
APCO Washington –
Trainer of the Year
APCO Washington –
Telecommunicator of the Year for Exemplary Handling of a Critical Incident

2023 Awards

Sheila Ring
Dawn Perry
Sheila Ring
Dawn Perry

APCO Washington –
Telecommunicator of the Year for Exemplary Handling of a Critical Incident

American Legion Department of Washington –
911 Operator of the Year

2022 Awards

Kyle Boeddeker
Sharice Clark
Kyle Boeddeker
Sharice Clark

APCO International –
Technician of the Year

American Legion Department of Washington –
911 Operator of the Year

2021 Awards

Christine Law
Jana Oliver
Nicole Burrell
Chris Law
Jana Oliver
Nicole Burrell

APCO International –
Trainer of the Year

APCO Washington –
Trainer of the Year

APCO Washington –
Telecommunicator of the Year for a Critical Incident

2020 Awards

Jason Meeder
Shawn Handel
Randy Dasho
Jason Meeder
Shawn Handel
Randy Dasho

APCO International –
Supervisor of the Year

Washington APCO-NENA –
Supervisor of the Year

APCO International –
Trainer of the Year

Mary Valerio
William Jones
Sharice Clark
Mary Valerio
William Jones
Sharice Clark

Washington APCO-NENA – Telecommunicator of the Year –
Exemplary Handling of a Critical Incident

Washington APCO-NENA- Technician Of The Year –
Sustained Superior Performance

Washington APCO-NENA – Telecommunicator of the Year –
Sustained Superior Performance

2019 Awards

Jennifer Andrews
Chad Bennett
Jennifer Andrews
Chad Bennett

APCO International –
Supervisor of the Year

Washington APCO-NENA –
Technician of the Year

2018 Awards

Jamie Siller
Carmen Bower
Brandon Wecker
Jamie Siller
Carmen Bower
Brandon Wecker

APCO International –
Telecommunicator of the Year

APCO International –
Trainer of the Year

APCO International –
Information Technologist of the Year

2017 Awards

Richard Kirton
Jessica Jablonski
Shawn Handel
Brandon Wecker
Richard Kirton
Jessica Jablonski
Shawn Handel
Brandon Wecker

APCO International –
Director of the Year

Washington APCO-NENA – Telecommunicator of the Year-
For exemplary handling of a critical incident

APCO International –
Supervisor of the Year

APCO Washington – Technician Of The Year –
Sustained Superior Performance

2016 Awards

Emily Garner
Emily Garner

Wasington APCO-NENA Telecommunicator of the Year
For Sustained Superior Performance

2015 Awards

Richard Kirton
Jill Danielsen
Richard Kirton
Jill Danielsen

APCO International –
Senior Member Designation

Washington APCO-NENA Telecommunicator of the Year-
For exemplary handling of a critical incident

2015 Team Awards

Drew Tetrick, Bill Main, Laura Woodrum, Cristina DeMello, Jamie Aumock, Sarah Portray, and Christy Anderson
Washington APCO-NENA
Telecommunicator Team Of The Year

2014 Awards

Kyle Boeddeker
Richard Kirton
Kyle Boeddeker
Richard Kirton

Washington APCO-NENA Telecommunicator Of The Year
Exemplary Handling of a Critical Incident

Washington APCO-NENA –
Maurice Courtright Award

2013 Awards

Christine Law

Chris Law

APCO International –
Telecommunicator of the Year

2012 Awards

Donna Kelly
Christine Law
Jeff West
Donna Kelly
Chris Law
Jeff West

APCO International –
Telecommunicator of the Year

Washington APCO-NENA Telecommunicator Of The Year –
Sustained Superior Performance

Washington APCO-NENA Telecommunicator Of The Year –
Exemplary Handling of a Critical Incident

2011 Awards

Donna Kelly
Ken Sala
Richard Kirton
Donna Kelly
Ken Sala
Richard Kirton

Washington APCO-NENA Telecommunicator Of The Year –
Sustained Superior Performance

Washington APCO-NENA –
Technician of the Year

Washington APCO-NENA –
Presidential Award